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NeTEx overview

NeTEx has been developed under the aegis of CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and is the most recent development stage in over fifteen years work to systemise and harmonize European passenger information data.

NeTEx provides a means to exchange data for passenger information such as stops, routes timetables and fares, among different computer systems, together with related operational data. It can be used to collect and integrate date from many different stakeholders, and to reintegrate it as it evolves through successive versions.

NeTEx is intended to be a general purpose XML format, designed for the efficient, updateable exchange of complex transport data among distributed systems. This allows the data to be used in modern web services architectures and to support a wide range of passenger information and operational applications.

To find out more about the NeTEX data model, visit the NeTEX website.

NeTEx-Light and NeTEx EPIP

Ideally all member states will provide NeTEx files according to the European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP) on their respective National Access Point. Data4PT provides some artefacts to simplify producing and quality assure such information.

First of all a simplified and EPIP-adapted version of the full NeTEx XML schema has been produced.

National profiles

A number of National and international profiles have already been defined for different European countries and more are under development. In the following table, DATA4PT provides an overview of the key characteristics of the national profiles per country, including the data categories that are currently covered by each one of the profiles. The table will be continuously update following new implementations.

*Data categories are identified based on MMTIS EU Regulation 1926/2017


If you believe that your use cases are resolved in an existing profile, it is highly recommended to adopt an existing solution and cooperate with the corresponding entity. You will save resources while you will ensure that your profile is interoperable. It follows a list with links to the relevant documentation for each one the available profiles [1], where you can also find contact details for some of the entities responsible for the profiles. Otherwise you can contact us in DATA4PT.

NeTEx software / tools

General purpose XML tools can be used to work with the NeTEx XML schema and XML documents that conform to it, for example either the proprietary XML SPY , or Oxygen or see free tools at A wide variety of mainstream XML tools are available to validate XML and to create bindings to specific programming languages (.NET, Java, PHP, C++).[2]

To look at the design models, an interactive UML viewer such as Enterprise Architect is extremely helpful, although a set of static web pages is also available. Sample mappings to a variety of national formats (VDV, BISON, etc) as well as GTFS have been developed and are included in the NeTEx standard.[3]

The following list of software is known to support NeTEx. We distinguish between different categories that may later receive a list of key performance indicators.

Conversion of NeTEx between other formats

Name Availability Description Profile License URL
netex-protobuf Available NeTEx to protobuf converter all EUPL
gtfs2netexfr Available Export GTFS data to NeTEx. French
hastus Available Giro Hastus OIG script to export NeTEx from a system, in addition can export crew operations. Dutch, Nordic(?) AGPL-3.0
josm-plugin-netex-converter Available Export OpenStreetMap pedestrian routing information into NeTEx. GPL 2.0

Data Validation tools

Name Availability Description Profile License URL
XMLlint Available XML syntax validation, XSD schema validation and constraint checking. All MIT

Language bindings and software development aids

NeTEx XML bindings
Name Availability Description Profile License URL
netex-java-model Available NeTEx XML bindings for Java, with additions to map temporal types to native objects. Any EUPL
netex-csharp-model Not Available NeTEx XML bindings for C#. Currently being researched with a variety of tools.
Contact DATA4PT if you have questions or have found the golden egg.

Editing /Management & visualisation tools for NeTEx data

Name Availability Description Profile License URL
Nplan Available Java backend / TypeScript frontend for create/edit/export of NeTEx data (Support both Timetable based and On-demand polygon based services) Nordic EUPL backend -

frontend -

NSR Available Java backend / JavaScript frontend for import/creation/edit/export for NeTEx stops data. (Act as a National Stops Register for the whole of Norway) Nordic EUPL backend -

frontend -

Chouette Available Java backend / Ruby frontend for import/validation/edit/export of NeTEx data. Highly modified version of the old AFIMB version of Chouette. NOTE: Legacy software not recommended for new implemetations Nordic CeCILL-B backend -

frontend -

Chouette Available Java based NeTEx tools, transforms between profiles and standards (NeTEx, GTFS, Neptune). EPIP Apache 2.0
mobilitx Available
mobiref Available
NeTEx Reader In Development C# based XML tool, based on Giro Hastus XSD. Dutch
netexconv2 In Development Java based NeTEx tools, transforms between profiles and standards (NeTEx, DINO, HAFAS, KV1, GTFS). Dutch, EPIP, Nordic, VDV462 Available EPIP
Motus Available Motus is the Fleet Scheduling Management System provided by Pluservice. The application is designed by independent and integrated modules which can be activated according to specific operational needs.

One of the latest module created and already available is the generation of NeTEx datasets starting from the operational data collected by public transport operators. For this purpose, Motus receives the input data starting from a GTFS and it is able to enrich these data with further relevant information such as contracts, vehicles. Then Motus transforms these data into the NeTEx Italian profile.

Data model: the database is designed according to Transmodel specifications, European reference standard (EN12896) for public transport.


NeTEx data enabled

Name Availability Description Profile License URL
OpenTripPlanner Available Timetable and shortest path journey planner supporting reading various input formats including GTFS and NeTEx. Nordic Apache 2.0

Planning system supporting native NeTEx export

Name Availability Description Profile
Hastus Available Planning system from Giro for public transport Nordic
Trapeze Available Planning system from Trapeze for public transport Nordic
DG Buss Available Planning system from Datagrafikk for public transport Nordic
Train Plan Available Planning system from Trapeze for railway Nordic
IVU In development Planning system from IVU for public transport Nordic
IVU In development Planning system from IVU for railway Nordic
Turnit Available Planning system from Turnit for public transport Nordic
Nplan Available Planning system from Entur for public transport Nordic
TPSI Available Planning system from HaCon for railway Nordic