SIRI overview
SIRI was established as European standard in October 2006. It is a CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and Technical Standard that specifies a European interface standard for exchanging information about the planned, current or projected performance of real-time public transport operations between different computer systems.
SIRI allows pairs of server computers to exchange structured real-time information about schedules, vehicles, and connections, together with general informational messages related to the operation of the services. The information can be used for many different purposes, for example:
- To provide real time-departure from stop information for display on stops, internet and mobile delivery systems;
- To provide real-time progress information about individual vehicles;
- To manage the movement of buses roaming between areas covered by different servers;
- To manage the synchronisation of guaranteed connections between fetcher and feeder services;
- To exchange planned and real-time timetable updates;
- To distribute status messages about the operation of the services;
- To provide performance information to operational history and other management systems.
To find out more about the SIRI data model, please visit the Transmodel page and VdV page.
SIRI software
The following list of software is known to support NeTEx. We distinguish between different categories that may later receive a list of key performance indicators.
Conversion and connectors to SIRI software and between other formats
Name | Availability | Description | Profile | License | URL |
Anshar | Available | Java based tool to connect, validate and redistribute SIRI. (Act as a national aggreagation hub for all SIRI feeds in Norway) | Norwegian | EUPL | |
OneBusAway SIRI | Available | A set of tools to connect to and convert SIRI. | Apache-2.0 | | |
ara | Available | A set of tools to connect, convert and store SIRI, SIRI-Lite. | Apache-2.0 | | |
irys | Available | A set of tools to connect and redistribute SIRI. | CeCILL-B | | |
Diginext/CS-Group | Available | | |||
Soridis/Lumiplan | Available | | |||
Qommute | Available | |
Producers from CAD/AVL
Name | Availability | Description | Profile | License | URL |
IVU.realtime | Available | Producer of realtime data. | Commercial | | |
Mobile-ITCS | Available | Producer of realtime data. | Commercial | | |
INEO | Available | ||||
Navocap | Available | ||||
ZenBus | Available | Producer of realtime data. | Commercial | | |
IXXI/RATP Smart System | Available | Producer of realtime data. | Commercial | | |
Alstom | Available | Producer of realtime data. | Commercial |